The Changing of the Blog’s Name

(Kinda like the “Changing of the Guard! LOL)

I started this blog in 2010 as a project for a class I studied in college. As the years went by, I kept posting and I found that the title CornStalk Genealogy was confusing. Chief Cornstalk has a well-documented genealogy line, and it is very confusing to researchers thinking this blog researches solely the Cornstalk family’s genealogy.

In order to change the name this time, I “googled” the phrase ‘barebones genealogy’ to make sure there is not a surname out there to confuse even more people! People use this phrase in genealogy,  but from what I can tell, it is not a surname.

Everything in the blog and blog’s management is the same, just the name to keep confusion down. I also read that if I change the URL, I will lose the blog’s followers. I will figure that dilemma out later.

Thank you for all the feedback, comments, and visits to the blog. The more comments readers share, the more I learn about the different aspects of genealogy. I also hope that some of my experiences/knowledge may help another fellow genealogist  break down those brickwalls that often plague us in our research.

Maybe we will find a cousin or too, as time progresses!!

About hoosierbeth

I have been researching my ancestors, your ancestors and everybody else's since 1981.
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2 Responses to The Changing of the Blog’s Name

  1. currentdescendent says:

    I like the new name!

  2. hoosierbeth says:

    Thank you so much!!!! 🙂 I was ‘afraid’ to change it, but I knew I had to do this eventually.

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